Code VC95

EAN Code 8016117019639


Technical specifications
  • Product dimensions in (mm):243x860x243
  • Weight in grams:4100
Logistics data
  • Single package size (mm):230x840x181
  • Master packaging dimensions (mm):230x840x180
  • Number of pieces per layer:20
  • Number of pieces per pallet:46
  • Number of pieces for master packaging:1
  • Gross weight packing collection Kg:4,1

  • Electronic controls + remote control
  • 3 speeds (min/med/max)
  • 3 ventilation modes (Normal/Sleep/Natural)
  • Timer 7,5h
  • Luminous display show all the selected functions
  • Horizontal oscillation dx-sx
  • Body in plastic with rear handle and seat for remote control
  • Base with cable winding
  • 220/240V~50Hz 60W


In this section you can download the manuals or materials needed.

VC95_L.I..pdf - 462.85 KB
VC95_SC.pdf - 299.46 KB
hi-def images - 3,257.92 KB

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